WARNING: Products sold on this site contain nicotine, a poisonous and addictive substance. Products sold on this site are only intended for committed smokers of legal smoking age.
You must be of at least the legal smoking age in your state, city, province or country, whichever is older, to purchase products from this site. This site is intended solely for users who are at least the legal smoking age in their state, city, province or country, whichever is older, and any use of this site by anyone under the legal age is prohibited. Falsifying your age for the purpose of using this site or purchasing products from this site is strictly illegal and is punishable by law. Using this site or purchasing products from this site on behalf of a minor is prohibited and punishable by law. By accessing our site, you are representing that you are at least the legal smoking age to purchase the products from this site. We reserve the right to deny any order if we believe it is placed by a minor or an adult on behalf of a minor.
Age Verification
In accordance with federal and state age verification laws, we use a third-party age verification system to verify users are of legal age, which may include collecting user photo-IDs and checking user identities’ against multiple databases. You may be asked to fax or e-mail a legible copy of your identification clearly showing your age, shipping address and billing address. Once user age is verified, all such data is held for a period of up to 30 days and then destroyed. We may cancel any order if proper identification cannot be provided. Any order we believe to be fraudulent may be reported to the local authorities.
Billing Validation
All credit card billing address information must match that of the cardholder. If the information does not match, your order will not be processed.
Credit Card Validation
Orders that we believe may be fraudulent will be suspended for manual review. A Customer Service Representative may call you to verify the order. If we are unable to reach you at the contact information provided or if we are not able to verify the order within a reasonable period of time, the order will be not be processed. We reserve the right to cancel any order.
Right to Refuse Service
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. If we believe an order may be fraudulent and are unable to verify the order to our satisfaction, we will promptly cancel the order. If you feel your refusal of service was unwarranted, you may contact Customer Service at info@vapeguy.net